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Top 7 Job Interview Questions: Insights from Global Hiring Managers

Avatar: Robin Penn
  • Robin Penn
  • APAC Talent Coordinator
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From ‘how did you pivot’ to ‘how would your teammates describe you’, the questions asked during job interviews can often feel disconnected or unintentional. However, there is typically a strategy behind each question and a reason it’s included. Our goal at Procore Technologies is to uncover the value that candidates bring while also providing conversational opportunities for individuals to learn more about the role and company. I reached out to seven of our hiring managers around the world to get their perspectives on the questions they ask every candidate they interview.

Question 1: Is there anything about the role or Procore that stands out to you?

Insights from Jared, Sr. Manager, Sales Development | Tampa, FL 

“When candidates have progressed past the recruiter interview and are meeting with me, I am looking for them to show that they have done some research on the company. For the role, I want to hear about how it aligns not only with their skill sets gained from previous experiences but also about where they want to go in their career and how they think this role will help them gain the experience or expertise they are seeking."

Question 2: What do you need to be successful at work? 

Insights from Alex, Sr. Manager, Strategic Product Consulting | Sydney, NSW

“I want candidates to give an authentic answer that highlights how they do their best work. Tell me about the support and environment that they need to be curious learners, to build up their network, and enable collaboration with their teammates. When candidates can give me examples of what worked well for them in the past, I can understand better if the culture, support, and environment of Procore will help them succeed.”

Question 3: Tell me about a time you had to work towards a goal, and how you achieved it.

Insights from Anne, Manager, Solutions Engineering, EMEA | London, EN

“I’m really looking to uncover three things with this question: 

  • Demonstration of the interview prep. This is a pretty common question. Good prep will include having stories ready for this kind of question.
  • Clear communication skills. The goal and steps to achieving it must be clear and concise.
  • Reflection and learning. I want to see that the candidate has a track record of growth and is able to learn from their experiences.”

Question 4: How would your teammates describe you?

Insights from Andrew, Sales Development Manager | Dubai, UAE

“When I ask ‘How would your teammates describe you?’ I would like to hear an answer that reflects feedback from their peers highlighting their traits and transferable skills. A well-devised response would also showcase alignment with Procore values and the leadership of self-expectations, including a growth mindset, teamwork, customer focus, and delivering results. These would indicate the candidate embodies key traits essential for success at Procore.”

Question 5: Tell me about a time you were working on a project that didn’t go to plan. How did you pivot?

Insights from Kapil, Sr. Director, Software Engineering | Bengaluru, IN

“I am looking to hear about their ability to learn from failure. First, I want to know how they identified the real problem that caused the project to derail. Second, I want to know how they moved forward to identify the solution and if they were able to decisively change direction while managing stakeholder expectations and communications. Last, what processes did they put in place to prevent this kind of misalignment in the future.”

Question 6: What traits do you think a person needs to be successful in this role and why?

Insights from Cristina, Manager, Customer Success, Canada | Toronto, ON

“I want to see a candidate’s understanding of the role and their ability to connect their strengths and qualities to the role’s responsibilities. For my CSM team, for example, a key quality is being an excellent communicator. A CSM should be adept at quickly distilling information and ensuring the appropriate team members are informed and involved. Connecting their qualities with a business need is really going to stand out to me.”

Question 7: Walk me through a time you got negative feedback. How did you respond?

Insights from Mohamed, Sr. Manager, Software Engineering | Austin, TX

“I’m looking for several key insights into the candidate’s character, resilience, and growth mindset. Ideally, a candidate should demonstrate openness to feedback and use it constructively to improve their skills. I am looking for self-awareness and honesty because a candidate who can acknowledge receiving negative feedback shows they can objectively assess their performance and recognize areas for improvement.”

A job interview isn’t a one-way conversation. At Procore, we love it when candidates ask us questions about the role, our culture & values, and our people. When you are preparing for an interview, we recommend that you develop a list of questions that will help you make the best career decision for you.  Sometimes those answers will naturally be provided during the interview, but other times you have to be intentional about asking them. 

Two great questions I hear candidates ask are: 1) How do you see Procore’s values in action in your day-to-day work? and 2) How has Procore supported you with your job progression? Both of these can help you learn about the culture and how individuals are supported.

Do you have questions about the interview process at Procore? Chat with our #LifeAtProcore Insiders for more insights.